Points of contact on the topic „First steps upon arrival“ nearby Aachen
Offer supportAusländeramt - Außenstelle Aachen Arkaden
Trierer Straße 1, 52078 Aachen

Aufenthaltstitel (Abholung/Ausgabe)
- Free
- On site
FAQs on the topic „First steps upon arrival“

Wie finde ich einen Arzt oder Psychotherapeuten?
Hier finden Sie Ärzte und Ärztinnen sowie Psychotherapeuten und Psychotherapeutinnen in Ihrer Nähe. Weitere Suchkriterien können Sie im nächsten Schritt wählen.

Befreiung von der Rundfunkbeitragspflicht
You can be exempt from the broadcasting contribution fee if you receive one of the following social benefits:
Citizen's Income (formerly Unemployment Benefit II or Social Money) including benefits under § 22 of the Social Code II (SGB II) - Exemption basis 403b
Subsistence Allowance under the Social Code XII (Chapter 3), as well as under the Federal Supply Act (BVG) (§§ 27a or 27d) - Exemption basis 401
Basic Security in Old Age and for People with Reduced Earning Capacity (Chapter 4, SGB XII) - Exemption basis 402
Benefits under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG), Vocational Training Allowance, Training Compensation under §§ 122ff. SGB III, when the recipients do not live with their parents - Exemption bases 405a, 405b, 405c
Benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act - Exemption basis 404
Blind Welfare (§ 72 SGB XII and under § 27d BVG) - Exemption basis 410
Care Allowance under state legal provisions (State Care Allowance Acts) - Exemption basis 407
Care Assistance under the Social Code XII (Chapter 7) or Care Assistance as a benefit under the War Victims Assistance Act (BVG) - Exemption basis 407
Care Supplements under the Compensation Equalization Act (LAG) (§ 267 Abs. 1) - Exemption basis 408
In addition, the following individuals can also apply for an exemption:
Persons to whom a deduction is granted due to care dependency (§ 267 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nr. 2 Buchstabe c LAG) - Exemption basis 408
Adults who live in a residential facility as part of a benefit provision (§ 45 SGB VIII) - Exemption basis 409Y

Gibt es Sonderverfahren für jüdische Zuwandernde aus der Ukraine?
Eine Antragstellung nach dem Sonderverfahren für jüdische Zuwandernde aus der Ukraine ist jetzt in Deutschland bei den jüdischen Gemeinden möglich.
Hier der Link:

Nachrichten, Informationen und Service für Geflüchtete und Ukrainer:innen in Deutschland. Aktuell
News, information, and services for refugees and Ukrainians in Germany. Current and community-oriented. Only verified information from secure sources.

Finde ich die Ukraine Plattform auch bei Facebook?
We are the group on Facebook: Ukraine Platform – Platform for Ukrainians. Here is the invitation link.-