Was muss ich bei der Beantragung eines Wohnberechtigungsscheines beachten?
The income limits (net income) per year for a housing eligibility certificate (Wohnberechtigungsschein) in North Rhine-Westphalia (as of 2023) are as follows:
Single: €20,420
2 Persons: €24,600
Single Parent (1 Child): €25,340
3 Persons (1 Child): €31,000
When applying for a housing eligibility certificate, the following documents are to be provided (as applicable):
Completed and signed application form
Valid identification documents (e.g., identity cards) or passports with valid residence permits for all individuals living in the household; Displaced Persons or Refugee ID (if available)
Written authorization if the housing eligibility certificate is being applied for on behalf of another person
For each person with income, an income declaration must be completed, and the relevant income documents from the last twelve months prior to the application must be included (e.g., copies of pay stubs). If income is expected to change in the next twelve months after the application, appropriate proof (e.g., employment contract) should be provided.
Marriage certificate
Divorce decree
For unemployed individuals, the most recent notice from the employment office specifying the amount of benefits granted and the last bank statement of benefit payments
The housing eligibility certificate is valid for one year.
Finde ich die Ukraine Plattform auch bei Facebook?
We are the group on Facebook: Ukraine Platform – Platform for Ukrainians. Here is the invitation link.-
Wo finde ich eine Unterkunft?
The responsible foreigner's office typically refers you to the nearest state initial reception center, where you will receive an initial place to sleep, meals, and assistance. The website www.unterkunft-ukraine.de provides accommodations with private individuals for people who have fled from Ukraine. If you would like to take advantage of this offer, you can register on the platform with a few personal details and your needs, and you will then be connected with suitable hosts.
Wo gibt es für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine Informationen zum Thema Wohnraum in Krefeld?
Mit Hilfe der Diakonie wurde eine Hotline eingerichtet, unter der wohnungssuchende Menschen aus der Ukraine viele Fragen rund ums Wohnen telefonisch klären können. Sie ist montags bis freitags von 9 bis 13 Uhr unter der Rufnummer +492151363 2023 erreichbar. Die Telefonate sind sowohl in deutscher als auch in russischer Sprache möglich und bieten allgemeinene Informationen zum Thema Wohnen.
Welche Ausländerbehörde ist für mich zuständig?
You can search for regional authorities by entering location names or postal codes.
You can find the appropriate foreigner's registration office for you in the BAMF-NAvI at
Kann ich auch online Wohnung finden?
Private housing offers can be found on the following websites: https://wunderflats.com/page/ukraine/home-de, https://warmes-bett.de/, or https://www.host4ukraine.com/.
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Unterkunft Ukraine
If you have fled from Ukraine and are looking for accommodation with private individuals, please register now, and we will try to find accommodation for you.